There is no doubt that being pregnant, especially as a first time mom, can be overwhelming.
Between the morning sickness and doctor visits, along with the strain that is put on your body while growing your tiny miracle, it can seem hard to find time to research safe products for your registry.
When I first began creating my baby registry, I knew that I wanted to find products that were safer and less toxic than the average baby products. Believe me when I say that I have spent countless hours scouring the internet and researching products in order to find the best option for my little one.
This comprehensive list will hopefully take the guesswork out of finding better, yet cost-effective products to put on your registry. After all, we are not all millionaires, nor do we necessarily want to spend a fortune on products that will only be used for a short time.
As an added bonus, I have included my FREE Baby Registry Checklist, available for download here!
I have broken down this list into categories to make it easier to find just what you are looking for. I have also added my choice for each category!
Maybe you don’t know where to start, or maybe you just need a few pointers in one category – either way, I got you! Links are included with the products so that you can easily find them.
I make a percentage of money off the affiliate links provided in this post at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting me!
Let’s get started!

Crib and Mattress: An obvious one! With so many cribs and mattresses on the market, there are so many to choose from, which, that in itself can seem like a daunting task!
When researching cribs, ensure it is Greengard Gold certified, and think about how you will use it in the future as many transform into toddler beds! Typically, cribs made of solid wood are considered less toxic than other types of cribs; however, cribs that are certified are still considered safe.
My choice: DaVinci Beau Crib
For mattresses, Greengard Gold is considered safe; however, a breathable, organic mattress will be much safer for baby.
My choice: Lullaby Earth Mattress
Dressers: Not an absolute necessity, but you will want a place to keep baby clothes and other various necessities. We refinished and repainted a couple dressers that I used as a child, so the dressers you use do not have to be brand new! Whatever type of dresser you choose, ensure you have it secured to the wall to minimize the risk of tip over.
Changing Table or Pad: I will be honest, we have both! At first, we did not purchase a changing table, just a changing pad that we placed on the dresser. However, once baby got here, we decided it was best to get a simple changing table for our bedroom to make those middle of the night changes easier – it very much did!
My choices: Beberoad Love Changing Table and the Munchkin Changing Pad.
Always keep baby’s safety in mind when choosing your changing area and find what best suits your home!
Diaper Caddy: Not a necessity, but it does help to keep things supplies organized, especially if you plan to change baby in various places throughout the house!
My choice: 100% Cotton Rope Caddy
Diaper Pail: This is definitely one that you will want to have on your registry. Since my baby is mostly fed breastmilk, his poos do not typically stink right away. However, when they are in the trash for any amount of time, they begin to reek! So, having a diaper pail that keeps odors tightly sealed away is VERY helpful.
My choice: Ubbi Diaper Pail
Rocking or Glider Chair: Also not an absolute necessity, but a chair in the nursery can allow for separation from the rest of the house. Not only did I use our chair to rock baby, but oftentimes, I would use it to pump, especially when company was over. I can say that this is one of our most used purchases and fits our needs perfectly – even my husband loves to use it while feeding baby boy!
My choice: Baby Relax Eden Chair
Storage: Something else that is not necessary, but very useful! Baby’s needs will change often and quickly, especially those first few months. One minute, you are bathing them in the sink, the next they are playing in the bath tub! So, having a place to store the things that you do not need right away can help decrease the clutter in your home and help you to not feel so overwhelmed. We didn’t use much for storage other than an organizer similar to these collapsible cabinet bins. We placed these boxes in the nursery closet and stored extra things like bath supplies, breast milk storage bags and pumping supplies, baby feeding products, etc. If we ever decide that we don’t need these boxes, they can be broken down flat and stored more conveniently!
Miscellaneous Essentials: This category is for anything else that you could use in the nursery that will fit your needs and make life a little easier. For example, we use a Hatch Sound Machine to help baby get a more restful sleep. Other things in this category include a baby monitor, a hamper, extra crib sheets, blackout curtains, etc. These types of things are very helpful, but not necessary to have in the nursery.
Bookshelves and Decor: Obviously, not an essential, but still fun to have! Adding a personal touch to your baby’s room will make everything feel much more real, especially if this is your first.
We did not do much for decor; however, we were sure to put some bookshelves similar to these up. I love reading books to my son and he has always loved looking at them.
Bonus idea: At our baby shower, we had guests gift and write in a book instead of a giving a card, and absolutely loved all of the unique books we received – I definitely would recommend doing this at your shower!

Bathing baby looks so different for all families. Some choose to co-bathe (mom/dad gets in tub and holds baby while bathing them), others choose to use the sink at first then transition to the tub, and others start out in the tub right away. No matter the case, always find what works best for you!
For us, we chose to start out in the sink and transition to the tub when baby was a little bigger. This way, both my husband and I felt so involved and had fun bathing baby boy. Here are a few of the products that I recommend.
Bathing Seat: So many options when it comes to these. Think about where you will be bathing baby and ensure the seat that you choose will fit correctly.
My choice: Frida Baby Bath Tub
Bath Kneeler: Obviously, not a necessity; however, so very helpful when baby is ready for the bath tub! For us, bath time has become a fun activity for baby, so of course we want to be able to spend lots of time doing something he enjoys. For me, kneeling on the hard floors is not preferrable and gets very tiresome, very quickly.
My choice: Bath Kneeler and Elbow Rest
Bath Soaps: These are something that are different for each family; however, I do strongly recommend a non-toxic bathing soap for baby as their skin is so very sensitive.
My choice: Pipette Brand
Using soap on baby is not necessary as water and a cloth clean baby just fine; however, if your preference is to use soap, like it is mine, there are great non-toxic options out there!
Bath Towels: These do not have to be anything fancy and you can certainly use towels that you already have. My choice: Muslin Towels
I will be honest, this category is the one I struggled with the most when picking out items to put on my registry. Obviously, finding a crib and crib mattress was essential, but that was pretty easy.
I mainly found it hard to picture what room sharing would look like for us, along with what I would feel comfortable dressing baby in.
Here is my piece of advice to any new parent(s): Sleep habits will typically be constantly changing those first few months, so sleep necessities will also be changing often – don’t stress it! Gather a few items that you think will fit your needs before baby arrives, then, once baby is here, figure out what works best for THEM!
For instance, my son is a very warm baby as most of the time, he sleeps in just a onesie and a thin sleep sack, even in the winter. Other babies that I know are not comfortable until they are in at least three thick layers. Again, all babies are different!
Listed below are a few of the items I put on my registry, along with a couple I ordered after baby arrived.
Bassinet or Bed-Side Sleeper: If you are room-sharing, I highly recommend starting baby out in a bassinet or bed-side sleeper as it will make those middle of the night awakenings MUCH easier. I loved being able to have baby within arms reach of me.
My choices: Chicco LullaGlide or Baby Delight.
I researched these for a long time before finally deciding on what would be best for our home, so I definitely recommend doing the same!
Swaddles: These are something that is truly going to be different for each and every baby, and I am sure any mother can attest to this. From the start, my son loved to wiggle his little arms out of the swaddle and have them up. So, most swaddles did not work for us.
Since young babies tend to have a startle (Moro) reflex that hangs around for the first few months, ensuring their arms are tight and snug while sleeping will help them to get a much more restful sleep.
My choices: Velcro Swaddles by KeaBabies, Organic Sleep Sack, Ollie Swaddle

I am no expert when it comes to this; however, I have spent numerous hours researching the best things for baby when it comes to their nutrition.
We got off to a bit of a rough start with feeding as my son had a tongue and lip tie. On top of that, he is a greedy eater and just a hungry boy! We tried breastfeeding right off the bat and although he had those ties, he latched relatively well, but he wasn’t a fan of not being able to eat quickly. I know, I know, it’s not great to let baby eat fast, but, as I said before, each baby is so different and this just happens to be what works for us.
I have listed some of my recommendations for bottle feeding, nursing and pumping, and even starting on foods. Trust me when I say I have done it all!
One thing that fits into all of these categories is burp cloths! They can be used for various things and honestly, it seems like you can never have enough – we even use them to bathe baby!
Nursing and Pumping
I quickly became an exclusive pumper within the first week of my son’s life. It just worked for us! His ties were corrected; however, he prefers the bottles, and although I planned to mostly breastfeed, I am okay with him using bottles – plus, my husband gets to feed him often!
Although I do not directly nurse, here are a few of the things I used before exclusively pumping.
Nursing Pillows: Boppy Nursing Pillow and MyBrestFriend Pillow
Nipple Cream: A must-have for any breastfeeding mother!
My choices: Calm Your Nip Balm by Honest, Mother Love Nipple Cream, and Earth Mama Nipple Cream.
Nipple Shields: Not a necessity, but definitely something that can help both mom and baby (especially babies with a tongue tie!). I used the Medela Nipple Shields and was very pleased.
Milk Catchers: I used the Haakaa Ladybug Collector and loved it as it was super easy to just place in my bra on the opposite breast from which baby was eating. I have also heard of many mothers using this Haakaa Manual Breast Pump and having great luck with it.
Other necessities may include a nursing cover for on the go feeds, nursing cups to help with sore nipples, nursing bra for easy access and comfort, and nursing pads for leakage.
Here are my recommendations for pumping, whether exclusively or combining with nursing.
Breast Pump: An obvious one, but a hard choice! I recommend doing thorough research on these to find what will work best for your lifestyle. This may not be something that you put on your registry; however, it’s good to keep it in mind.
Personally, I chose the Spectra S1 due to it’s ability to recharge and not having to be tied to an outlet.
You can check with your insurance company or use Aeroflow Breastpumps, or a similar site, to find what your insurance company will cover. Typically, these will be shipped straight to your door at no cost to you!
Milk Storage Bags: Sometimes, insurance will cover these; however, not always, and if they do send you these, you may not receive enough. I use the Lansinoh bags as they are easiest to freeze. Other bags that I have used do not lay flat and are not as great quality.
Glass Bottles: I am a big, big fan of these anti-colic glass bottles by Dr. Brown’s. These are really the only type of bottles that my son would eat well with. You’ll hear me say this a lot, but EACH BABY IS DIFFERENT. You may try over five types of bottles before you find what works best for your baby, so don’t get discouraged. Other great bottle options include Lansinoh, Chicco, and Phillips Avent!
Sterilizer: Definitely not necessary, but I will say, it makes my life MUCH easier. There is no doubt that bottles will quickly take over your life, so quickly being able to get them cleaned and dry is crucial.
My choice: Sterilizer by Papablic
Bottle Drying Rack: I recommend one of these whether you have a sterilizer or not! These are VERY useful for bottle-feeding and are relatively cheap based upon type.
My choices: Dr. Brown’s Rack, Oxo Rack, Munchkin Rack
Don’t forget to put some bottle brushes on your registry as well!
Bottle Warmer: Also not necessary; however, I will say that this is one of the most used baby items in our house. My son is pretty picky when it comes to the temperature of his milk, so this has made it so convenient and easy to ensure it is warmed to just the right temperature.
My choice: Baby Brezza Bottle Warmer
Starting Purees or Solids
If you are currently pregnant, it may seem like a long way away before baby is starting to eat actual foods. Trust me when I say that the first 4-6 months FLY by!
Here are some of my recommendations for baby feeding supplies to put on your registry – totally not necessary, but very helpful to get a head start on them whether you plan to start baby on purees or solids!
Table Seat and High Chair: If you want baby to eat a the table with you, but they are not quite ready for a high chair, I recommend the Upseat – super convenient, easy to clean, and safe for baby’s hips!
There are lots of great high chair options out there, but one that I do really love is the Stokke Tripp Trapp Chair as it is less toxic and grows with baby.
Silicone Bibs: For easy clean-up!
Utensils, Plates, Cups, Bowls, Etc.: There are lots of great options out there for these, too many to even list! I do, however, recommend avoiding plastic whenever possible with these things – think silicone!
Ah, diapers… One of the most important parts of a baby’s life for the first couple years!
My opinion on this has always been and will most likely always remain the same – do what best for you and your baby!
If what’s best for your budget is not buying the most expensive, “completely” non-toxic brands, then don’t!
If what’s best for your baby is a certain type of diaper, then get that one!
If you choose to cloth diaper, by all means go for it!
This doesn’t mean that you should throw caution to the wind with diapers, but with so many companies changing the way that they produce their diapers, it can be very challenging to find good non toxic options.
My choices: Coterie, Thrive Market Brand, Kudos, Pura, Healthy Baby, and Bambo.
TIP: If you are choosing to have a diaper raffle at your baby shower, keep in mind that most stores that sell the diapers will accept returns of those diapers. So, if you get any diapers that you do not want, take them back and get a store credit to buy a different type of diaper or something else.

Swings and Bouncers: These are something that can help you to get a moment to yourself to eat, shower, etc. – perfect for putting baby in for short periods of time.
My choices: BabyBjorn Bouncer and MamaRoo Swing
Play Gyms and Activity Centers: Baby play is crucial to proper growth and development. In between naps and snuggles, it is best to place baby on their tummy so they begin developing strength.
My choices: Lovevery Play Gym and Skip Hop Activity Center
Car Seats and Strollers: I did so much research on car seats and strollers. So. Much. Research. I knew that I wanted something less toxic; however, I did not want something super expensive like many less toxic options tend to be.
My choices: Chicco Infant Car Seat, Chicco Convertible Car Seat, and Chicco Stroller
Please note that not all Chicco car seats and strollers are considered less toxic, just the ClearTex line!
Travel Crib or Playard: There will be times when you are away from home, especially if you love to travel! I recommend a travel crib as they are easy to pack up and go anywhere with. You may even use one of these in your own home!
My choice: Guava Lotus Travel Crib (Don’t forget the sheets!)
Diaper Bag: A must! Having a bag to be able to easily organize for all of your outings will make your life much easier.
My choice: BabbleRoo Diaper Bag
Portable Changing Mat: Another must! This is something that can thrown in the diaper bag and used on the go. We used this from day one, whether it was changing baby in different places throughout the house or out and about. I would definitely recommend adding this to your registry!
My choice: Lil Fox Portable Changing Mat

Does it seem like there are SO many baby care items out there? I know, I felt the same way and struggle to decipher what I would ACTUALLY need. Use this list to guide you, but if there are addition things that you feel you may need, then by all means add them to your registry!
Baby Nail File/Clippers: I ended up getting both the clippers and electric file, and do use both!
My choices: Electric Nail File and Clippers
Nasal Aspirator and Nose Picker: Yes, I use both of these as well! Baby nostrils tend to be very hard to work with, so you will want different options.
My choices: Electric Nasal Aspirator, FridaBaby Snot Sucker, FridaBaby Nose Picker
Thermometer: A must have! This can crucial anytime you need to monitor baby’s symptoms. I recommend both an oral/armpit/rectal thermometer, in addition to an infrared one!
Medications: My favorite things to look for when it comes to these are more homeopathic or safer ingredient options. I have used several things from Earthley Wellness as there are lots of options for the whole family! More of my favorite brands are Mommy’s Bliss, Hylands, and Zarbee’s.
Always check with your healthcare provider before administering any type of medication to your little one as you want to ensure their safety.
You will be surprised at just how many clothing items baby DOES NOT need!
I want fortunate enough to have several hand-me-downs for baby boy – between that and the baby shower, I did not purchase any clothes for baby until he was about 3 months old! Even then, I was very selective on what I would buy as baby grows FAST!
So, when it comes to clothes, it is completely up to you and what you feel your needs are. Some people love to have lots of clothes on hand, others prefer to have less, and some are in between!
Here are a few of my clothing recommendations:
– If you believe you are going to have a bigger baby, aim to have more 0-3 month sizes and less newborn sizes on hand right away as there is a good chance baby will not fit in the newborn size. My son was 7lb, 5oz when born and only fit into some newborn sizes for the first two weeks, then it was onto 0-3 months!
– Clothing can be EXPENSIVE. If it is not in your budget to buy all organic clothing, that is okay! I am to purchase 100% cotton clothing and snag organic clothing whenever possible. Again, baby grows fast, so there is a good chance they may only wear the item 1-2 times before outgrowing it.
– For the first few months, you will most likely not be dressing baby in super cute, fancy outfits – I am just being honest. Instead, you will be throwing on a onesie or a sleeper and hoping they don’t blow their diaper out into it. So, aim to have enough of these clothing items on hand in the smaller sizes – save the cute outfits for when they are a bit older!
Many women choose not to include postpartum supplies on their registry, but the decision is totally yours on whether you want to or not.
As an overview, below are a few of my favorite products, applicable to any type of delivery!
Peri Bottle: I promise you that you will want to have one of these. If you are delivering at a hospital, they will most likely supply you with one; however, I recommend this one by FridaMom as it has an angled spout.
Perineal Spray: This is mostly applicable to those that have vaginal births; however, I used this after my c section and it helped ease some of the discomfort, so I would recommend.
My choice: Earth Mama Perineal Spray
Water Jug: This one may seem obvious; however, not typically one that you thik about, especially when baby arrives. Drinking water was definitely something I had to remind myself to do, so it was great to have a large capacity jug next to my bedside when I needed it.
My choice: Stanley 40 oz. Quencher
AfterEase: After you give birth, and typically when while breastfeeding, you will have uterine cramps, similar to contractions. This is your uterus shrinking back down to its original size. This tincture helps to ease some of that pain and I do recommend!
Disposable Underwear and/or Pads: It is no secret that you continue to bleed roughly 4-6 weeks after giving birth, whether vaginal or c-section. Most hospitals will supply you with the things needed during your stay there; however, you will want some for home as well. I recommend these period underwear by Rael for the first week or so, then transitioning to super absorbent pads after that. You can also use disposable mesh undies and large pads, whichever works best for you!
Belly Binder: I used this the first week after my c-section and it was an absolute game changer. Before putting it on, I did not think I would be able to stand up, but with it on, I was able to move around easier and felt back to normal very quickly! I have heard of many women also using them after vaginal deliveries as well. If your hospital does not supply you with one, I do recommend getting one!
My choice: FridaMom Postpartum Abdominal Support Binder
Final Thoughts
As you dive head first into your registry creation, remember that you do not have to put every last little item on it for the perfect registry. I mentioned the items above because they were things that I used, or still use, to make life with baby a little easier. Some of these items may not work for you, and that’s okay!
Every mother, baby, and family is different, so finding what works best for you will be what gives you the greatest success!
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2 responses to “The Ultimate Non-Toxic Baby Registry Guide: Essentials for Baby”
[…] hospital bills, maternity supplies, and newborn essentials like cribs and strollers. (Check out my Ultimate Registry Guide for help building an “essentials only” […]
[…] for a complete list of essentials for your registry?Check out my Ultimate Non-Toxic Baby Registry Guide post to find a great resource for choosing safer products for your little […]